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Master's degree in conducting.

2008-2012 - An internship with the Chamber Choir of the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

2013 - An internship with the Student Choir of the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

2004 - 2008

Bachelor's degree

St. Petersburg Music College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

Bachelor's degree in conducting. Advanced qualification diploma.

2004-2008 - internships with the mixed choir and the female choir of the college. 




Kazan, Russia

Kazan State Conservatory

Winner of Piano Competition in the Kazan State Conservatory


Petrozavodsk, Russia

Petrozavodsk State Conservatory

Winner of Piano festival «Piano Duo IX» in the Petrozavodsk State Conservatory


Petrozavodsk, Russia

Petrozavodsk State Conservatory

Winner of Piano festival «Piano Duo X» in the Petrozavodsk State Conservatory


London, Great Britain

Festival «Stars of The Albion»

Grand Prix of the festival «Stars of The Albion», London, England (composer of the performance)


Johann Sebastian Bach Motet BWV 225
"Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied"

Conductor Victor Ignatiev,
class of Honoured Art Worker of Russia, Professor Boris Abalyan

Organ Alina Nikitina, winner of international competitions
Vyborg State Chamber String Orchestra

Artistic Director and Chief Conductor Victor Ignatiev
2013 - 2017
"A real event in the cultural life of Vyborg in March 2016 was the Concert of the Vyborg Chamber String Orchestra (MBUDO "School of Arts of the City of Vyborg"). The program included masterpieces of world classical music (I.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, etc.) for string instruments performed by members of the Vyborg Chamber String Orchestra, artistic director Viktor Ignatyev, piano part - laureate of international competitions Polina Aleksandrova."

Hong Kong Sesory Choir and Orchestra

Music Director and Chief Conductor Victor Ignatiev
2019 - 2024

Orlando di Lasso : Matona, Mia Cara

Hong Kong Sesory Choir

Conductor Victor Ignatiev

Thomas Morley : April is in my Mistress’ Face

Hong Kong Sesory Choir

Conductor Victor Ignatiev


Victor Ignatiev Five pieces for piano

Polina Alexandrova, piano. January 2020 Liège, Belgium
Victor Ignatiev Two pieces for violin and piano

Daniil Arsevev and Polina Alexandrova, piano. January 2020 Saint Petersburg, Russia

Full version of the "Russian album"

Opus letter I
Director Nuria Urazgildeeva web-site
Composer Victor Ignatiev

"There once was a man"
(2022; 16 minutes)

DOP: Valeria Fomicheva
(the workshop of Yuri Nevsky)

Sound designer: Ariana Sekth
(the workshop of Andrey Khudyakov)

Written and directed by:
Nuriya Urazgildeeva web-site
(the workshop of Sergei Solovyov )

Composer Victor Ignatiev

Win: International Student Festival VGIK

Participation: Festival Intonations

Quarter-Finalist: WideScreen Film & Music Video Festival (Toronto, Ontario)

Жил был человек постер .PNG


"There once was a man" Soundtrack 1Victor Ignatiev
00:00 / 01:11
"There once was a man" Soundtrack 2Victor Ignatiev
00:00 / 01:29
Film in production (fragments)
Director Ekaterina Oskolkova instagram
Composer Victor Ignatiev

Soundtrack - Ekaterina OskolkovaVictor Ignatiev
00:00 / 02:20
A Tale of a Boy Who Ran Away into a Field
Director, Animator, Text Author, Reader Ekaterina Domashchenko instagram
Composer Victor Ignatiev
A Tale of a Boy Who Ran Away into a Field - SoundtrackVictor Ignatiev
00:00 / 01:30
Killer's hand, 2022
Director, animation artist Maria Katrakis instagram
Composer Victor Ignatiev
Killer's hand - SoundtrackVictor Ignatiev
00:00 / 00:06
Solo show "Soul of a Clown"
Director, actor Igor Lamba
Composer Victor Ignatiev

Grand Prix of the festival "Stars of Albion. New Talents of the World", 2017
Mask workshopVictor Ignatiev
00:00 / 03:07
The last sceneVictor Ignatiev
00:00 / 03:16

“The Grinch and the Chocolate Factory”


New Year’s Musical


Dordoi Plaza, Bishkek, Kazakhstan


Creative Team:

Music Producer: Alena Mitropova



Composer and Arranger: Victor Ignatiev

Directors: Roma Khuzin, Dima Belysh

Wonka’s Song


Composer and Arranger: Victor Ignatiev


• Anton Malinen (Wonka)

• Vadim Malykhin (Grinch)

Sound Engineer: Ivan Kholodov

Lyrics: Batyr Koychuev

Wonka's songVictor Ignatiev
00:00 / 02:22

Grinch Song


Composer and Arranger: Victor Ignatiev

Vocals: Vadim Malykhin

Sound Engineer: Ivan Kholodov

Lyrics: Batyr Koychuev

Grinch songVictor Ignatiev
00:00 / 02:05

Orchestrator | Arranger

Tchaikovsky-Auer - Lensky's Aria from the opera "Eugene Onegin" for violin and piano.

Orchestration by Victor Ignatiev

Daniil Arsenev (Violin)
Patrick Baton (conductor)

Symphony Orchestra of the Royal Conservatory of Liège

Excerpt from the concert:

A3 CONCERT 4.12.2021_page-0001.jpg

Full audio:

P. Tchaikovsky - L. Auer Lensky aria from Eugene Onegin orchestrated by Victor IgnatievArsenev (violin), Baton (conductor)
00:00 / 06:39

Pianist | Organist

6 years of experience as an organist.

Performances at such concert venues as the Grand Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the Concert Hall of the Smolny Cathedral.

Johann Sebastian Bach - BWV 535 Präludium und Fuge g-Moll

Victor ignatiev (organ)
Concert Hall of the Smolny Cathedral.

Johann Sebastian Bach - BWV 535 Präludium und Fuge g-MollVictor Ignatiev
00:00 / 07:29

Giulio Caccini "Ave Maria"

Alina Leonova (soprano)
Victor Ignatiev (organ)
The Bolshoi Zal (Grand Hall) of Saint Petersburg Philharmonia

Experience as a pianist:

St. Petersburg Theatre "Na Mokhovoy" at the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts

Russian State Institute of Performing Arts (pianist, arranger)



Conducting Academy, Myanmar, Yangon (master classes, open rehearsals with choir and orchestra)


Piano Master Class by Victor Ignatiev, Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar Music (Piano) Trading Co., LTD

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